YARA Package Description

With YARA you can create descriptions of malware families based on textual or binary patterns contained on samples of those families. Each description consists of a set of strings and a boolean expression which determines its logic. This package contains the command-line interface.

Source: http://plusvic.github.io/yara/

YARA Homepage | Kali YARA Repo

  • Author: Victor M. Alvarez
  • License: Apache-2.0

Tools included in the yara package

yara – Tool to identify and classify malware samples
[email protected]:~# yara
usage:  yara [OPTION]... [RULEFILE]... FILE | PID
  -t <tag>                  print rules tagged as <tag> and ignore the rest. Can be used more than once.
  -i <identifier>           print rules named <identifier> and ignore the rest. Can be used more than once.
  -n                        print only not satisfied rules (negate).
  -g                        print tags.
  -m                        print metadata.
  -s                        print matching strings.
  -l <number>               abort scanning after a <number> of rules matched.
  -d <identifier>=<value>   define external variable.
  -r                        recursively search directories.
  -f                        fast matching mode.
  -v                        show version information.

Report bugs to: <[email protected]>

yara Usage Example

[email protected]:~# coming soon