- 设置与目标网络地址范围相一致的IP地址
- 路由通过它所需的业务
Wifitap首页 | 卡利Wifitap回购
- 作者:塞德里克热烫
- 许可:GPL第二版
wifiarp - 无线注入ARP应答工具基于Wifitap
[email protected]:~# wifiarp -h
Psyco optimizer not installed, running anyway...
INFO: did not find python gnuplot wrapper . Won't be able to plot
INFO: Can't open /etc/ethertypes file
Usage: wifitap -b <BSSID> -s <HWSRC> [-o <iface>] [-i <iface>]
[-w <WEP key> [-k <key id>]] [-d [-v]]
-b <BSSID> specify BSSID for injection
-s <HWSRC> specify source MAC address for 802.11 and ARP headers
-o <iface> specify interface for injection (default: ath0)
-w <key> WEP mode and key
-k <key id> WEP key id (default: 0)
-d activate debug
-v verbose debugging
-h this so helpful output
wifidns - 无线注射DNS应答工具基于Wifitap
[email protected]:~# wifidns -h
Psyco optimizer not installed, running anyway...
INFO: did not find python gnuplot wrapper . Won't be able to plot
INFO: Can't open /etc/ethertypes file
Usage: wifidns -b <BSSID> -a <IP> [-o <iface>] [-i <iface>]
[-s <SMAC>] [-t <TTL>] [-w <WEP key>]
[-k <key id>]] [-d [-v]] [-h]
-b <BSSID> specify BSSID for injection
-a <IP> specify IP address for DNS answers
-t <TTL> Set TTL (default: 64)
-o <iface> specify interface for injection (default: ath0)
-i <iface> specify interface for listening (default: ath0)
-s <SMAC> specify source MAC address for injected frames
-w <key> WEP mode and key
-k <key id> WEP key id (default: 0)
-d activate debug
-v verbose debugging
-h this so helpful output
wifiping - 基于Wifitap的WiFi注射基于应答工具
[email protected]:~# wifiping -h
Psyco optimizer not installed, running anyway...
INFO: did not find python gnuplot wrapper . Won't be able to plot
INFO: Can't open /etc/ethertypes file
Usage: wifitap -b <BSSID> [-t <TTL>] [-o <iface>] [-i <iface>]
[-s <SMAC>] [-w <WEP key> [-k <key id>]]
[-d [-v]] [-h]
-b <BSSID> specify BSSID for injection
-t <TTL> Set TTL (default: 64)
-o <iface> specify interface for injection (default: ath0)
-i <iface> specify interface for listening (default: ath0)
-s <SMAC> specify source MAC address for injected frames
-w <key> WEP mode and key
-k <key id> WEP key id (default: 0)
-d activate debug
-v verbose debugging
-h this so helpful output
wifitap - 通过TUN / TAP设备的WiFi注入工具
[email protected]:~# wifitap -h
Psyco optimizer not installed, running anyway...
INFO: did not find python gnuplot wrapper . Won't be able to plot
INFO: Can't open /etc/ethertypes file
Usage: wifitap -b <BSSID> [-o <iface>] [-i <iface>] [-s <SMAC>]
[-w <WEP key> [-k <key id>]] [-d [-v]] [-h]
-b <BSSID> specify BSSID for injection
-o <iface> specify interface for injection (default: ath0)
-i <iface> specify interface for listening (default: ath0)
-s <SMAC> specify source MAC address for injected frames
-w <key> WEP mode and key
-k <key id> WEP key id (default: 0)
-d activate debug
-v verbose debugging
-h this so helpful output
[email protected]:~# coming soon