Wifitap Package Description

Wifitap is a proof of concept for communication over WiFi networks using traffic injection.

Wifitap allows any application do send and receive IP packets using 802.11 traffic capture and injection over a WiFi network simply configuring wj0, which means :

  • setting an IP address consistent with target network address range
  • routing desired traffic through it

In particular, it’s a cheap method for arbitrary packets injection in 802.11 frames without specific library.

In addition, it will allow one to get rid of any limitation set at access point level, such as bypassing inter-client communications prevention systems (e.g. Cisco PSPF) or reaching multiple SSID handled by the same access point.

Source: http://sid.rstack.org/static/articles/w/i/f/Wifitap_EN_9613.html
Wifitap Homepage | Kali Wifitap Repo

  • Author: Cedric Blancher
  • License: GPLv2

Tools included in the wifitap package

wifiarp – WiFi injection ARP answering tool based on Wifitap
[email protected]:~# wifiarp -h
Psyco optimizer not installed, running anyway...
INFO: did not find python gnuplot wrapper . Won't be able to plot
INFO: Can't open /etc/ethertypes file
Usage: wifitap -b <BSSID> -s <HWSRC> [-o <iface>] [-i <iface>]
                          [-w <WEP key> [-k <key id>]] [-d [-v]]
     -b <BSSID>    specify BSSID for injection
     -s <HWSRC>    specify source MAC address for 802.11 and ARP headers
     -o <iface>    specify interface for injection (default: ath0)
     -w <key>      WEP mode and key
     -k <key id>   WEP key id (default: 0)
     -d            activate debug
     -v            verbose debugging
     -h            this so helpful output

wifidns – WiFi injection DNS answering tool based on Wifitap

[email protected]:~# wifidns -h
Psyco optimizer not installed, running anyway...
INFO: did not find python gnuplot wrapper . Won't be able to plot
INFO: Can't open /etc/ethertypes file
Usage: wifidns -b <BSSID> -a <IP> [-o <iface>] [-i <iface>]
                          [-s <SMAC>] [-t <TTL>] [-w <WEP key>]
                          [-k <key id>]] [-d [-v]] [-h]
     -b <BSSID>    specify BSSID for injection
     -a <IP>       specify IP address for DNS answers
     -t <TTL>      Set TTL (default: 64)
     -o <iface>    specify interface for injection (default: ath0)
     -i <iface>    specify interface for listening (default: ath0)
     -s <SMAC>     specify source MAC address for injected frames
     -w <key>      WEP mode and key
     -k <key id>   WEP key id (default: 0)
     -d            activate debug
     -v            verbose debugging
     -h            this so helpful output

wifiping – WiFi injection based answering tool based on Wifitap

[email protected]:~# wifiping -h
Psyco optimizer not installed, running anyway...
INFO: did not find python gnuplot wrapper . Won't be able to plot
INFO: Can't open /etc/ethertypes file
Usage: wifitap -b <BSSID> [-t <TTL>] [-o <iface>] [-i <iface>]
                          [-s <SMAC>] [-w <WEP key> [-k <key id>]]
                          [-d [-v]] [-h]
     -b <BSSID>    specify BSSID for injection
     -t <TTL>      Set TTL (default: 64)
     -o <iface>    specify interface for injection (default: ath0)
     -i <iface>    specify interface for listening (default: ath0)
     -s <SMAC>     specify source MAC address for injected frames
     -w <key>      WEP mode and key
     -k <key id>   WEP key id (default: 0)
     -d            activate debug
     -v            verbose debugging
     -h            this so helpful output

wifitap – WiFi injection tool through tun/tap device

[email protected]:~# wifitap -h
Psyco optimizer not installed, running anyway...
INFO: did not find python gnuplot wrapper . Won't be able to plot
INFO: Can't open /etc/ethertypes file
Usage: wifitap -b <BSSID> [-o <iface>] [-i <iface>] [-s <SMAC>]
                          [-w <WEP key> [-k <key id>]] [-d [-v]] [-h]
     -b <BSSID>    specify BSSID for injection
     -o <iface>    specify interface for injection (default: ath0)
     -i <iface>    specify interface for listening (default: ath0)
     -s <SMAC>     specify source MAC address for injected frames
     -w <key>      WEP mode and key
     -k <key id>   WEP key id (default: 0)
     -d            activate debug
     -v            verbose debugging
     -h            this so helpful output

wifitap Usage Example

[email protected]:~# coming soon