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  • 作者:Sakis季莫普洛斯
  • 许可:GPL第二版


sakis3g - Sakis 3G所有功能于一身的脚本
[email protected]:~# sakis3g help
Sakis 3G All-in-one script - Version 0.2.0e
(c) Sakis Dimopoulos 2009, 2010 under GNU GPL v2

      sakis3g [actors] [switches] [variables]

Sakis3G is a shell script which is supposed to work out-of-the-box for
establishing a 3G connection with any combination of modem or operator.

NOTE: This script requires root priviledges to properly work. If not executed
from root, it will try to acquire them.

Common actors are:
connect       - Attempts to establish 3G connection.
disconnect    - Stops all active PPP connections.
toggle        - Attempts to establish 3G connection. If already connected, it
disconnects instead.
reconnect     - Attempts to establish 3G connection. If already connected, it
first disconnects and then attempts.
start         - Same as connect. Provided for use as init.d script.
stop          - Same as disconnect. Provided for use as init.d script.
reload        - Same as reconnect. Provided for use as init.d script.
force-reload  - Same as reload. Provided for use as init.d script.
restart       - Same as reload. Provided for use as init.d script.
desktop       - Creates desktop shortcut for this script.
status        - Prints connection status and exits. Exit code is 0 if
connected, or 6 if not connected.
help          - Prints this screen and exits.
man           - Displays man page.

NOTE: For more information, you should consult man page or official Sakis3G
wiki, available at:


[email protected]:~# sakis3g --interactive "connect"