
NTOP是一个工具,显示网络使用情况,类似于流行的顶级Unix命令一样。 NTOP基于pcapture(ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/pcapture.tar.Z),它已被写入在便携式方式以几乎所有的Unix平台上运行。



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  • 作者:卢卡DERI
  • 许可:GPL第二版


NTOP - 在Web浏览器中显示网络使用情况
[email protected]:~# ntop -h
Welcome to ntop v.4.99.3 (32 bit)
[Configured on Mar  2 2013  6:00:33, built on Mar  2 2013 06:01:55]
Copyright 1998-2012 by Luca Deri <[email protected]>

Get the freshest ntop from http://www.ntop.org/

Usage: ntop [OPTION]

Basic options:
    [-h             | --help]                             Display this help and exit
    [-u <user>      | --user <user>]                      Userid/name to run ntop under (see man page)
    [-t <number>    | --trace-level <number>]             Trace level [0-6]
    [-P <path>      | --db-file-path <path>]              Path for ntop internal database files
    [-Q <path>      | --spool-file-path <path>]           Path for ntop spool files
    [-w <port>      | --http-server <port>]               Web server (http:) port (or address:port) to listen on

Advanced options:
    [-4             | --ipv4]                             Use IPv4 connections
    [-6             | --ipv6]                             Use IPv6 connections
    [-a <file>      | --access-log-file <file>]           File for ntop web server access log
    [-b             | --disable-decoders]                 Disable protocol decoders
    [-c             | --sticky-hosts]                     Idle hosts are not purged from memory
    [-d             | --daemon]                           Run ntop in daemon mode
    [-e <number>    | --max-table-rows <number>]          Maximum number of table rows to report
    [-f <file>      | --traffic-dump-file <file>]         Traffic dump file (see tcpdump)
    [-g             | --track-local-hosts]                Track only local hosts
    [-i <name>      | --interface <name>]                 Interface name or names to monitor
    [-j             | --create-other-packets]             Create file ntop-other-pkts.XXX.pcap file
    [-l <path>      | --pcap-log <path>]                  Dump packets captured to a file (debug only!)
    [-m <addresses> | --local-subnets <addresses>]        Local subnetwork(s) (see man page)
    [-n <mode>      | --numeric-ip-addresses <mode>]      Numeric IP addresses DNS resolution mode:
                                                          0 - No DNS resolution at all
                                                          1 - DNS resolution for local hosts only
                                                          2 - DNS resolution for remote hosts only
    [-p <list>      | --protocols <list>]                 List of IP protocols to monitor (see man page)
    [-q             | --create-suspicious-packets]        Create file ntop-suspicious-pkts.XXX.pcap file
    [-r <number>    | --refresh-time <number>]            Refresh time in seconds, default is 120
    [-s             | --no-promiscuous]                   Disable promiscuous mode
    [-x <max num hash entries> ]                          Max num. hash entries ntop can handle (default 8192)
    [-z             | --disable-sessions]                 Disable TCP session tracking
    [-A]                                                  Ask admin user password and exit
    [               | --set-admin-password=<pass>]        Set password for the admin user to <pass>
    [               | --w3c]                              Add extra headers to make better html
    [-B <filter>]   | --filter-expression                 Packet filter expression, like tcpdump (for all interfaces)
                                                          You can also set per-interface filter:
                                                          eth0=tcp,eth1=udp ....
    [-C <rate>]     | --sampling-rate                     Packet capture sampling rate [default: 1 (no sampling)]
    [-D <name>      | --domain <name>]                    Internet domain name
    [-F <spec>      | --flow-spec <specs>]                Flow specs (see man page)
    [-K             | --enable-debug]                     Enable debug mode
    [-L]                                                  Do logging via syslog
    [               | --use-syslog=<facility>]            Do logging via syslog, facility ('=' is REQUIRED)
    [-M             | --no-interface-merge]               Don't merge network interfaces (see man page)
    [-O <path>      | --pcap-file-path <path>]            Path for log files in pcap format
    [-U <URL>       | --mapper <URL>]                     URL (mapper.pl) for displaying host location
    [-V             | --version]                          Output version information and exit
    [-X <max num TCP sessions> ]                          Max num. TCP sessions ntop can handle (default 32768)
    [--disable-instantsessionpurge]                       Disable instant FIN session purge
    [--disable-mutexextrainfo]                            Disable extra mutex info
    [--disable-stopcap]                                   Capture packets even if there's no memory left
    [--disable-ndpi]                                      Disable nDPI for protocol discovery
    [--disable-python]                                    Disable Python interpreter
    [--instance <name>]                                   Set log name for this ntop instance
    [--p3p-cp]                                            Set return value for p3p compact policy, header
    [--p3p-uri]                                           Set return value for p3p policyref header
    [--skip-version-check]                                Skip ntop version check
    [--known-subnets <networks>]                          List of known subnets (separated by ,)
                                                          If the argument starts with @ it is assumed it is a file path

    * You can configure further ntop options via the web
      interface [Menu Admin -> Config].
    * The command line options are not permanent, i.e. they
      are not persistent across ntop initializations.



[email protected]:~# ntop -B "src host"