InTrace Package Description

InTrace is a traceroute-like application that enables users to enumerate IP hops exploiting existing TCP connections, both initiated from local network (local system) or from remote hosts. It could be useful for network reconnaissance and firewall bypassing.

InTrace Homepage | Kali InTrace Repo

  • Author: Robert Swiecki
  • License: GPLv3

Tools included in the intrace package

intrace – Traceroute-like application piggybacking on existing TCP connections
[email protected]:~# intrace
InTrace, version 1.5 (C)2007-2011 Robert Swiecki <[email protected]>
2014/05/20 09:59:29.627368 <INFO> Usage: intrace <-h hostname> [-p <port>] [-d <debuglevel>] [-s <payloadsize>] [-6]

intrace Usage Example

Run a trace to the target host (-h using port 80 (-p 80) with a packet size of 4 bytes (-s 4):

[email protected]:~# intrace -h -p 80 -s 4
InTrace 1.5 -- R: (80) L:
Payload Size: 4 bytes, Seq: 0x0d6dbb02, Ack: 0x8605bff0
Status: Packets sent #8

  #  [src addr]         [icmp src addr]    [pkt type]
 1.  [    ]  [ ]  [ICMP_TIMXCEED]
 2.  [    ]  [ ]  [ICMP_TIMXCEED]
 3.  [  ---          ]  [  ---          ]  [NO REPLY]
 4.  [  ]  [ ]  [ICMP_TIMXCEED]
 5.  [   ]  [ ]  [ICMP_TIMXCEED]
 6.  [  ]  [ ]  [ICMP_TIMXCEED]
 7.  [  ]  [ ]  [ICMP_TIMXCEED]
 8.  [ ]  [ ]  [ICMP_TIMXCEED]