Greenbone Security Assistant Package Description

The Greenbone Security Assistant is a web application that connects to the OpenVAS Manager and OpenVAS Administrator to provide for a full-featured user interface for vulnerability management.

Greenbone Security Assistant Homepage | Kali Greenbone Security Assistant Repo

  • Author: Greenbone
  • License: GPLv2

Tools included in the greenbone-security-assistant package

gsad – Greenbone Security Assistant Daemon
[email protected]:~# gsad -h
  gsad [OPTION...] - Greenbone Security Assistant Daemon

Help Options:
  -h, --help                       Show help options

Application Options:
  -f, --foreground                 Run in foreground.
  --http-only                      Serve HTTP only, without SSL.
  --listen=<address>               Listen on <address>.
  --alisten=<address>              Administrator address.
  --mlisten=<address>              Manager address.
  -p, --port=<number>              Use port number <number>.
  -a, --aport=<number>             Use administrator port number <number>.
  -m, --mport=<number>             Use manager port number <number>.
  -r, --rport=<number>             Redirect HTTP from this port number <number>.
  -R, --redirect                   Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
  -v, --verbose                    Print progress messages.
  -V, --version                    Print version and exit.
  -k, --ssl-private-key=<file>     Use <file> as the private key for HTTPS
  -c, --ssl-certificate=<file>     Use <file> as the certificate for HTTPS
  --do-chroot                      Do chroot and drop privileges.
  --secure-cookie                  Use a secure cookie (implied when using HTTPS).
  --timeout=<number>               Minutes of user idle time before session expires.
  --debug-tls=<level>              Enable TLS debugging at <level>

gsad Usage Example

Start the daemon in the foreground (-f) on port 8888 (-p 8888) and redirect HTTP to HTTPS (-R):

[email protected]:~# gsad -f -p 8888 -R