GoLismero Package Description

GoLismero is an open source framework for security testing. It’s currently geared towards web security, but it can easily be expanded to other kinds of scans.

The most interesting features of the framework are:

  • Real platform independence. Tested on Windows, Linux, *BSD and OS X.
  • No native library dependencies. All of the framework has been written in pure Python.
  • Good performance when compared with other frameworks written in Python and other scripting languages.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Plugin development is extremely simple.
  • The framework also collects and unifies the results of well known tools: sqlmap, xsser, openvas, dnsrecon, theharvester
  • Integration with standards: CWE, CVE and OWASP.
  • Designed for cluster deployment in mind (not available yet).

Source: https://github.com/golismero/golismero
GoLismero Homepage | Kali GoLismero Repo

  • Author: Daniel Garcia
  • License: GPLv2

tools included in the golismero package

golismero – Web application mapper
[email protected]:~# golismero -h

| GoLismero 2.0.0b3 - The Web Knife            |
| Contact: golismero.project<@>gmail.com       |
|                                              |
| Daniel Garcia Garcia a.k.a cr0hn (@ggdaniel) |
| Mario Vilas (@Mario_Vilas)                   |

usage: golismero.py COMMAND [TARGETS...] [--options]

    Perform a vulnerability scan on the given targets. Optionally import
    results from other tools and write a report. The arguments that follow may
    be domain names, IP addresses or web pages.

    Show a list of available config profiles. This command takes no arguments.

    Show a list of available plugins. This command takes no arguments.

    Show detailed information on a given plugin. The arguments that follow are
    the plugin IDs. You can use glob-style wildcards.

    Write a report from an earlier scan. This command takes no arguments.
    To specify output files use the -o switch.

    Import results from other tools and optionally write a report, but don't
    scan the targets. This command takes no arguments. To specify input files
    use the -i switch.

    Dump the database from an earlier scan in SQL format. This command takes no
    arguments. To specify output files use the -o switch.

    Update GoLismero to the latest version. Requires Git to be installed and
    available in the PATH. This command takes no arguments.


  scan a website and show the results on screen:
    golismero.py scan http://www.example.com

  grab Nmap results, scan all hosts found and write an HTML report:
    golismero.py scan -i nmap_output.xml -o report.html

  grab results from OpenVAS and show them on screen, but don't scan anything:
    golismero.py import -i openvas_output.xml

  show a list of all available configuration profiles:
    golismero.py profiles

  show a list of all available plugins:
    golismero.py plugins

  show information on all bruteforcer plugins:
    golismero.py info brute_*

  dump the database from a previous scan:
    golismero.py dump -db example.db -o dump.sql

golismero Usage Example

Run a vulnerability scan (scan) against the targets in the input file (-i /root/port80.xml), saving the output to a file (-o sub1-port80.html):

[email protected]:~# golismero scan -i /root/port80.xml -o sub1-port80.html