该软件包包括DOS2UNIX的,unix2dos,mac2unix,unix2mac转换成文本文件的行结束UNIX(LF),DOS(CRLF)和Mac(CR)格式之间。 Windows和DOS下的文本文件通常具有两个ASCII字符的每一行的末尾:后跟LF(换行)CR(回车)。用老的Mac只是CR,而UNIX只使用LF。虽然大多数现代编辑器可以读取所有这些格式,仍可能需要在它们之间进行文件转换。这是典型的实用工具于1989年开发的。


  • 作者:欧文Waterlander,基督教Wurll,贝恩德·约翰内斯Wuebben,本杰明·林
  • 许可:FreeBSD的


unix2dos - 从UNIX转换成DOS
[email protected]:~# unix2dos -h
unix2dos 6.0 (2012-05-06)
Usage: unix2dos [options] [file ...] [-n infile outfile ...]
 -ascii                convert only line breaks (default)
 -iso                  conversion between DOS and ISO-8859-1 character set
   -1252               Use Windows code page 1252 (Western European)
   -437                Use DOS code page 437 (US) (default)
   -850                Use DOS code page 850 (Western European)
   -860                Use DOS code page 860 (Portuguese)
   -863                Use DOS code page 863 (French Canadian)
   -865                Use DOS code page 865 (Nordic)
 -7                    Convert 8 bit characters to 7 bit space
 -c, --convmode        conversion mode
   convmode            ascii, 7bit, iso, mac, default to ascii
 -f, --force           force conversion of binary files
 -h, --help            give this help
 -k, --keepdate        keep output file date
 -L, --license         display software license
 -l, --newline         add additional newline
 -m, --add-bom         add UTF-8 Byte Order Mark
 -n, --newfile         write to new file
   infile              original file in new file mode
   outfile             output file in new file mode
 -o, --oldfile         write to old file
   file ...            files to convert in old file mode
 -q, --quiet           quiet mode, suppress all warnings
                       always on in stdio mode
 -s, --safe            skip binary files (default)
 -F, --follow-symlink  follow symbolic links and convert the targets
 -R, --replace-symlink replace symbolic links with converted files
                       (original target files remain unchanged)
 -S, --skip-symlink    keep symbolic links and targets unchanged (default)
 -V, --version         display version number

unix2mac - 转换从UNIX到Mac

[email protected]:~# unix2mac -h
unix2mac 6.0 (2012-05-06)
Usage: unix2mac [options] [file ...] [-n infile outfile ...]
 -ascii                convert only line breaks (default)
 -iso                  conversion between DOS and ISO-8859-1 character set
   -1252               Use Windows code page 1252 (Western European)
   -437                Use DOS code page 437 (US) (default)
   -850                Use DOS code page 850 (Western European)
   -860                Use DOS code page 860 (Portuguese)
   -863                Use DOS code page 863 (French Canadian)
   -865                Use DOS code page 865 (Nordic)
 -7                    Convert 8 bit characters to 7 bit space
 -c, --convmode        conversion mode
   convmode            ascii, 7bit, iso, mac, default to ascii
 -f, --force           force conversion of binary files
 -h, --help            give this help
 -k, --keepdate        keep output file date
 -L, --license         display software license
 -l, --newline         add additional newline
 -m, --add-bom         add UTF-8 Byte Order Mark
 -n, --newfile         write to new file
   infile              original file in new file mode
   outfile             output file in new file mode
 -o, --oldfile         write to old file
   file ...            files to convert in old file mode
 -q, --quiet           quiet mode, suppress all warnings
                       always on in stdio mode
 -s, --safe            skip binary files (default)
 -F, --follow-symlink  follow symbolic links and convert the targets
 -R, --replace-symlink replace symbolic links with converted files
                       (original target files remain unchanged)
 -S, --skip-symlink    keep symbolic links and targets unchanged (default)
 -V, --version         display version number


[email protected]:~# dos2unix -h
dos2unix 6.0 (2012-05-06)
Usage: dos2unix [options] [file ...] [-n infile outfile ...]
 -ascii                convert only line breaks (default)
 -iso                  conversion between DOS and ISO-8859-1 character set
   -1252               Use Windows code page 1252 (Western European)
   -437                Use DOS code page 437 (US) (default)
   -850                Use DOS code page 850 (Western European)
   -860                Use DOS code page 860 (Portuguese)
   -863                Use DOS code page 863 (French Canadian)
   -865                Use DOS code page 865 (Nordic)
 -7                    Convert 8 bit characters to 7 bit space
 -c, --convmode        conversion mode
   convmode            ascii, 7bit, iso, mac, default to ascii
 -f, --force           force conversion of binary files
 -h, --help            give this help
 -k, --keepdate        keep output file date
 -L, --license         display software license
 -l, --newline         add additional newline
 -m, --add-bom         add UTF-8 Byte Order Mark
 -n, --newfile         write to new file
   infile              original file in new file mode
   outfile             output file in new file mode
 -o, --oldfile         write to old file
   file ...            files to convert in old file mode
 -q, --quiet           quiet mode, suppress all warnings
                       always on in stdio mode
 -s, --safe            skip binary files (default)
 -F, --follow-symlink  follow symbolic links and convert the targets
 -R, --replace-symlink replace symbolic links with converted files
                       (original target files remain unchanged)
 -S, --skip-symlink    keep symbolic links and targets unchanged (default)
 -V, --version         display version number

mac2unix - 转换从Mac到UNIX

[email protected]:~# mac2unix -h
mac2unix 6.0 (2012-05-06)
Usage: mac2unix [options] [file ...] [-n infile outfile ...]
 -ascii                convert only line breaks (default)
 -iso                  conversion between DOS and ISO-8859-1 character set
   -1252               Use Windows code page 1252 (Western European)
   -437                Use DOS code page 437 (US) (default)
   -850                Use DOS code page 850 (Western European)
   -860                Use DOS code page 860 (Portuguese)
   -863                Use DOS code page 863 (French Canadian)
   -865                Use DOS code page 865 (Nordic)
 -7                    Convert 8 bit characters to 7 bit space
 -c, --convmode        conversion mode
   convmode            ascii, 7bit, iso, mac, default to ascii
 -f, --force           force conversion of binary files
 -h, --help            give this help
 -k, --keepdate        keep output file date
 -L, --license         display software license
 -l, --newline         add additional newline
 -m, --add-bom         add UTF-8 Byte Order Mark
 -n, --newfile         write to new file
   infile              original file in new file mode
   outfile             output file in new file mode
 -o, --oldfile         write to old file
   file ...            files to convert in old file mode
 -q, --quiet           quiet mode, suppress all warnings
                       always on in stdio mode
 -s, --safe            skip binary files (default)
 -F, --follow-symlink  follow symbolic links and convert the targets
 -R, --replace-symlink replace symbolic links with converted files
                       (original target files remain unchanged)
 -S, --skip-symlink    keep symbolic links and targets unchanged (default)
 -V, --version         display version number


[email protected]:~# unix2dos -n unix.txt dos.txt
unix2dos: converting file unix.txt to file dos.txt in DOS format ...



[email protected]:~# dos2unix -n dos.txt unix2.txt
dos2unix: converting file dos.txt to file unix2.txt in Unix format ...


[email protected]:~# mac2unix -n mac.txt unix3.txt
mac2unix: converting file mac.txt to file unix3.txt in Unix format ...